Look Inside a Seed
Did you enjoy looking at the inside of a lima bean seed that came home with your child? We had a lot of fun opening up the lima bean seed, and finding the embryo, seed coat, and food storage!
Planting Seeds
Your child also took time in science this week to plant a soy bean seed or corn seed. Ask your child what kind of seed they planted! They are very excited to watch and observe their plant over the next few weeks to see what will happen to it in the next few weeks.
True/False Statements
In Math we spent all week learning about about the meaning of the equals sign, and how we can tell when a math equation is true or false! Check out your child's kid blog to see their creation with true/false statements.
Sight Words
Thank you for helping your child with sight words at home. Everyone did a super job!
We will test on Thursday next week.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 8 --- Healthiest State Walk @10:45
Please make sure your child has tennis shoes and layered clothes.
If you want to join us, please meet us at the football field.