Saturday, September 27, 2014

Week 5

 Things are in full swings in our classroom! The students are leading our morning meetings. We know our tasks during math and Daily 5 rotations. We have started a plant unit in science. We also celebrated Johnny Appleseeds' birthday by learning about him and a life cycle of apples. Please ask your child how old he would be today if he was alive! October will be filled with more exciting learning opportunities.

Insect Invention
Did you enjoy a little critter that came home with your child? We had a blast using our imagination creating a new kind of insect.

O.R.E.O. Project
We participated in a global project called O.R.E.O. Project along with 150 (or more!) classes in the United States and Canada. What did we have to do? Well, we stacked the OREO cookies! Our class average was 18!! We shared our suggestions for stacking, guessed other class's average, and found out other classes' results on Twitter. One fourth grade class's average was 28!! 

Sight Words Program
In first grade we are working hard on our reading skills. Along with our reading we need to work on sight words or high frequency words. These are words that cannot be sounded out phonetically; but rather must be recognized at first sight. Research shows that 60-75% of words in children’s literature are these sight words or high frequency words. In order for your child to recognize these words automatically, they must practice them at home as well as at school. 
So...I am beginning a program for sight words. Once a week (Tuesday) I will have your child read the sight words on his/her list. I will move your child to the next level when he/she has mastered that level (within 45 seconds & with 96% or better accuracy = 1 or no mistake). Please find the first list of words in your child's Friday folder.
There are nine levels of words.  I have linked all the words under "sight words" on the right. I also posted some ideas for fun activities that you can do at home.
I realize this will take a few minutes of time every evening, but the effects will be phenomenal! Also, do not forget to read to your child and have them read to you regularly. This program will help them to develop a love for reading as they become more successful. Thank you for your cooperation!

Please visit your child's blog!